The Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC) is led by the Councils of Angus, Dundee City and Perth and Kinross, along with NHS Tayside. We work closely with our Community Planning Partnerships, engaging with the third sector, Police Scotland and other key partners.
Whilst across Tayside we have been making progress in our respective areas, evidence suggests there is more we can do. The desire to drive that improvement has led to the development of our Tayside Collaborative.
The clear focus of our TRIC is to secure improved outcomes for all of Tayside’s children and young people. It also reflects a commitment to the national approach, ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (GIRFEC) addressing the whole system to improve outcomes and tackle inequality.
A more strategic framework for collaboration has been established to create a clear process for this work and to ensure it retains a focus on tackling areas that will have the most impact on outcomes. As part of this the TRIC will:
- build the collective capacity and resilience of services
- strengthen the approach to sharing expertise and providing challenge
- reduce the duplication of effort and ensure the best use if available resources
We recognise that the accountability for improvement remains with the local authorities as part of the TRIC and our duties to secure better outcomes for our poorest and most vulnerable children remain our focus. To add value to what we do, we will use our collected and extended evidence to challenge ourselves, and each other, while maintaining local flexibility on planning and quality assurance.
The Tayside Collaborative has five priority groups which reflect the priorities identified in the Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families: