At the heart of the work of the Collaborative is the shared Integrated Children’s Services Plan (ICSP), the first of its kind which reaches across local authority boundaries and which was developed with our Health Board partners in NHS Tayside. The ICSP, itself developed in collaboration, illustrates the shared commitment and agreed priorities for strengthening families and improving the long-term life chances of all Tayside’s children and young people. In effect the ICSP (or Tayside Plan) supports the TRIC.
But isn’t the TRIC just about attainment in schools?
No. Unlike other Collaboratives across Scotland, the TRIC has chosen to include all aspects of wellbeing for children and young people in its remit. Physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety are essential to support children to reach their potential academically. We therefore include partners such as NHS Tayside and Police Scotland in the TRIC as well as local authorities.
So the TRIC includes all five Priority Groups?
Yes, all five Priority Groups are part of the TRIC.
What is the Annual Regional Plan?
The TRIC is required to produce an Annual Regional Plan for educational improvement aligned with the National Improvement Framework. We also produce an annual update for the ICSP. Since these essentially cover the same work, we aim to combine the two into a single document.