By considering all of the evidence available to us about the various matters affecting our children, young people and families, each of which can have a marked impact on their lives and their longer-term life chances, we agreed five priorities.

These priorities are underpinned by the key policies, such as GIRFEC and the consistent implementation of the Named Person and providing the right help at the right time; the Curriculum for Excellence; and Developing the Young Workforce.

We believe that addressing these priorities will help realise our shared vision for children, young people and their families and make Tayside the best place in Scotland to grow up.

Our five priorities have informed a range of actions, some of which involve a continued focus on using existing services to achieve better outcomes in the short to medium term.

Other actions are more long-term, in that they initially involve the development of clear and consistent multi-agency strategies within which better decisions about the type and range of services to be delivered can be made.

Our priorities are:

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