Our children and young people who experience particular inequalities and disadvantage will achieve health, wellbeing and educational outcomes comparable with all other children and young people.

We will focus our resources on groups of children and young people who are more likely to experience inequalities and poor outcomes in health, wellbeing, education and post-school destinations. We commit to closing the various “gaps” by increasing accessibility and broadening opportunities. We will share good practice that already exists across Tayside.

What we will do to improve outcomes for children and young people who experience particular inequalities and disadvantage:

  • Informed by the work of the Fairness Commissions (Perth, Dundee), work together to reduce the impact of poverty on our children, young people and families
  • Develop and implement a Corporate Parenting Strategy which pro-actively and systematically addresses the needs of Looked After Children and Care Leavers
  • Ensure Looked After Children and Care Leavers are fully involved in decisions about their care and influence service delivery
  • Ensure Young Carers are identified, provided with support, and assisted to manage appropriate caring responsibilities
  • Ensure children and young people with complex and enduring needs experience high quality care and support and are included within their local communities
  • Ensure children and young people with complex and enduring needs receive timely, effective support in their transition into adulthood
  • Ensure that children and young people who have offended receive appropriate child-centred support which reduces the risk of re-offending
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