Our children and young people will be safe and protected from harm at home, school and in the community.
Our approaches to protecting vulnerable children and young people will be shared and focussed on early identification, with immediate and effective intervention to reduce and remove the risk of significant harm.
What we will do to keep children safe:
- Continue to build a confident, competent and supported workforce in order to protect children and young people from abuse, exploitation and neglect
- Continue to promote highly effective practices in the sharing of information in order to protect and safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults
- In partnership with the CELCIS (Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland), strengthen our approaches to tackling and mitigating the effects of childhood neglect
- Improve children and young people’s capacity for personal safety and the avoidance of abuse and exploitation, including from their use of internet
- Develop a shared Tayside communication strategy in support of consistent messages to promote the protection and welfare of children and young people
- Involve children, young people, parents and wider families in decision-making and planning processes that affect them