The Tayside Collaborative is led by a high level Strategic Group consisting of the Chief Executives of each of the three Tayside Local Authorities and NHS Tayside, a Chief Executive from the Third Sector, a Chief Social Work Officer, a Health and Social Care Partnership Chief Officer, the Chief Superintendent from the Tayside Division of Police Scotland, a Senior Fire Officer from Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and the TRIC Lead.

The Strategic Group provides collective leadership and this is supported by the Leadership Group (formerly the Directors’ Group), consisting of four Local Authority Directors, the NHS Tayside Director of Operations, Director of Public Health, Detective Chief Inspector from the Tayside Division of Police Scotland and the Priority Group Leads. The Education Scotland Regional Advisor for the TRIC and a Manager from the Care Inspectorate are also in attendance at meetings.

Reporting to the Leadership Group are the leads of the five Priority Groups, which reflect the areas of priority outlined in The Tayside Plan.