The Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families (The Tayside Plan) forms the Integrated Children’s Services Plan for the three Community Planning Partnership areas in Tayside and is led by the three Councils in Tayside (Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross). NHS Tayside, Police Scotland, the Third Sector and other organisations that influence service deliver in the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) areas. The plan was developed, and is being delivered, within a framework of policy, legislation, evidence-based practice and analyses of local needs. It maintains a focus on the improvement of outcomes for children and young people in the area, recognising the importance of a holistic focus on the family and whole child to achieve this. It builds the collective capacity and resilience of services, shares expertise and makes the best use of resources to accelerate progress towards improving outcomes in health, wellbeing and attainment.
The plan is the first of its kind to reach across both geographic and organisational boundaries and focuses on five shared priority areas to improve outcomes for children and young people.
The production of The Tayside Plan was an important statement of aspiration and ambition for all children, young people and their families across all communities in Tayside. This joint Children’s Services Plan works within the GIRFEC policy framework, aiming to improve inter-related and inter-dependent outcomes in health, wellbeing and educational attainment. The plan identified five main areas for collaborative work, which in turn reflect the priority groups of the TRIC:
- Pre-birth & Early Years
- Learning & Attainment
- Health & Wellbeing
- Looked After Children, Care Leavers & Young Carers; and
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
As the current plan comes to the end of its lifespan the TRIC Strategic Group, joined by other senior partners across Tayside, planning for the next iteration of the Tayside Plan which will cover the period 2020 – 2023.