Following the latest advice from the UK and Scottish Governments, exceptional measures are being put in place to safeguard the health and wellbeing of members of the public and employees in preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Each local authority and partner organisation of the TRIC are currently prioritising actions required in response to this pandemic. You will find the most recent information on the following local pages:
- For Perth and Kinross Council:
- For Dundee City Council:
- For Angus Council:
- For NHS Tayside:
Employees should refer to their organisation’s guidance on how to organise your work schedule and, if possible, work remotely.
Social responsibility is key at this time. Please ensure that you are following the social distancing guidance released by the UK Government to protect yourself and our older and vulnerable adults. This is the best measure to handle the outbreak of a communicable disease such as Coronavirus.
Further advice
To find the latest advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19), access the NHSInform website. You can also get free general health advice by calling 0800 028 2816 from 8.00am to 10.00pm each day.
Guidance is also available in British Sign Language (BSL) and Easy Read versions.