The Tayside Strategy for Parents 2019-2024 was developed following consultation with parents, those with a parenting role and service providers. Work has begun on identifying actions that we believe will improve the experience and outcomes for parents and their families, and we now want to hear the views of parents and those with a parenting role on the draft delivery plan, parenting offer and proposal to establish a parent’s panel.
The consultation is open from Monday 22 February 2021 and closes on Sunday 21 March 2021. To access the consultation, visit Perth and Kinross Council’s Tayside Strategy for Parents Consultation Hub.
For information we have produced a short talking head as an introduction to why we are consulting and what we want to hear parents’ views on.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]
Jacqui Doig
Development Officer
Tayside Strategy for Parents
Priority Group 3
Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC) Website: