Connected Tayside: An Emotional Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Children and Young People 2021-23 has been published. This document can be found on the TRIC Website – Resources – TRIC – Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (
Connected Tayside outlines a charter designed by children and young people from across Tayside. This charter shares their vision of what support should look and feel like from any organisation they connect with.
We are hosting an online launch event on the 30th November at 11am. Our event will give an overview of why this strategy matters along with presentations from our young people who have been involved in the creation of this strategy. We hope that the event, as well as the charter, will help bring a shared understanding and consistency in the support our children and young people receive from us.
Please click here to sign up. You will receive a link to the Microsoft Teams event in receipt of completing your registration. We look forward to seeing you there.