Online Safety Live – With UK Safer Internet Centre
OnlineThe UK Safer Internet Centre are delighted to have teamed up with Dundee City Council to deliver a FREE 90-minuteOnline Safety event. (Open to all in Dundee, Angus, and Perth
The UK Safer Internet Centre are delighted to have teamed up with Dundee City Council to deliver a FREE 90-minuteOnline Safety event. (Open to all in Dundee, Angus, and Perth
To support the launch of the Tayside ‘Priorities for Practice’, TRIC Priority Group 5 (Safeguarding and Child Protection) are delivering a series of short multi agency information sessions. The 45-minute
Priorities for Practice Conference – Tuesday 11 May 2021 A Virtual Multi-agency Child Protection Conference for First Line Managers and Leaders across Tayside Public, Private and Third Sectors. TRIC