As part of the ongoing work of TRIC Priority Group 5: Safeguarding & Child Protection, the following refreshed guidances were approved at a meeting on 21 July 2020 and can now be rolled out, implemented and embedded across Tayside to all partner agencies.
This guidance is for all staff working in the public, private and third sectors in Tayside, who work with children, young people and their families. The guidance aims to ensure we have a consistent practice approach in each area, thereby providing better outcomes for children, young people and their families across Tayside. Many of the practice principles are also transferrable to adult services.
• Tayside Practitioner’s Guidance and Template: Inter-Agency Referral Discussions (IRDs)
• Tayside Practitioner’s Guidance and Referral Form: Concern for Unborn Babies
Any queries you may have, please contact your local Child Protection Committee via information in the following locations:
Perth and Kinross Child Protection Committee