NHS Tayside Child and adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has recently updated its NHS Tayside webpage. Five hundred children/young people, parents and carers and professionals who support them took part
Wellbeing for Wee Ones Campaign
The Scottish Government has launched a Wellbeing for Wee Ones Campaign on Parent Club which is aimed at parents of young babies and seeks to: Illustrate how interacting with babies
TRIC Virtual Campus Information
Many schools have already embarked upon the course choice process for session 2021-2022. As has been shared at various Headteacher and Depute Headteacher meetings there will be a wider offering
Education Scotland Professional Learning Opportunity: Effective Self-Evaluation for Improvement – Monday 26 April 2021
Education Scotland scrutiny colleagues are offering all Headteachers across Tayside a professional learning opportunity on Monday 26 April 2021 from 4.00pm-5.00 pm. The theme of this session is effective self-evaluation
The Tayside Strategy for Parents Consultation 2019-2024
The Tayside Strategy for Parents 2019-2024 was developed following consultation with parents, those with a parenting role and service providers. Work has begun on identifying actions that we believe will
Leadership Sessions for Headteachers: 15 and 26 March 2021 – Save the Dates
Mark Burns, ‘Learning Imperative‘ will be hosting two leadership sessions for Headteachers across Tayside on Monday 15 March and Friday 26 March 2021. These sessions will be recorded, and you
Getting it Right…Keeping Your Child Safe 2021
Thursday 4th March 2021 A free online partnership event for parents, carers, family members and all professionals working with children and young people. Presentations from experts in their field will
Online Learning Update for Practitioners – December 2020
An Online Learning Update for Practitioners has been produced by the Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative (TRIC). This document provides an update on current support available to practitioners across the Tayside
Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative Priority Group 5: Safeguarding and Child Protection are working in partnership with the Marie Collins Foundation to deliver their CLICK Path to Protection training for professionals working